Multi-axis force sensor can simultaneously measure force and torque in two or more directions. The force and torque in the cartesian coordinate system can be broken down into three components. Therefore, six-axis force sensor is the most complete form which can simultaneously measure three components forces and three torques. This kind of multi-dimensional force sensor is widely used at present.
In some cases, it is not necessary to measure six force and torque components. Therefore, there are multi-dimensional force sensors of two-axis force sensor, three-axis force sensor, four-axis force sensor, or five-axis force sensor, each of which may contain multiple combinations.
Compared with the uniaxial force sensor, the multi-axis force sensor should not only solve the monotonicity and consistency problems sensitive to the measured force components, but also solve the inter-dimensional (inter-axis) interference problems caused by the structural processing and process errors.
Multi-axis force sensors are widely used in the research of robot fingers and claws, robotic surgery research, finger force research, force feedback, brake inspection, precision assembly, restoration research, plastic surgery research, light textile industry and other fields.